Definition of Vegetarian


How To Become Vegetarian Or Vegan

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Is It Easy To Become A Vegetarian?

Like many people, we are born and raised with the habit of eating animals, therefore for some, it is not difficult to go against those principles that you have instilled in us, but as one becomes aware it becomes very easy.

There are many questions to ask oneself when beginning all the investigations on how to become a vegetarian or vegan, surely something inside your being is speaking to you and looking for a way to instruct yourself and look for help like this way, that you are reading, to guide you to an animal protein-free diet.

At first, it seems to be very complicated, our relatives are not used to this and they will see you as something strange, but it will be worth it when you do it, your mind can only master it and demand that it omit everything negative regarding this issue.

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Some Questions That I Asked Myself

There are many questions to ask oneself, but it really is the mind trying to take over and continue on the same path, I would have loved not to ask myself so much and start much earlier than I did, but hey, the important thing was to take the first step that later I will comment on what it was.

It Is Healthy To Be A Vegetarian?

It was my first question, and when I did some research online I realized how unhealthy I was being a carnivore, people believe that by eating an animal protein they are 100% healthy, and it is not like that, in fact, I realized many of the problems that came with drinking cow’s milk, or eating red meat, apart from doing a google search I went to my doctor and I asked him several questions, all these questions were answered to my surprise in the best way.

Likewise, I ask my pediatrician about my baby since she was little about whether she has all her values well, and if this crazy idea of being vegetarian affects her, the answer is always the same: “She is perfect”, today my 5-year-old daughter enjoys a vegetarian diet without any inconvenience, maybe a bit of bullying but “hey that helps her defend our ideology about not eating animals”.

I will get food without animals?

Well now I had to find out what I was going to eat as I could feed myself without damaging my health and the health of my family, searching blogs and watching many videos on YouTube helped me to make foods richer in vitamins and with a very good flavor, even better than when I was carnivorous.

Recreating foods that I used to consume such as lasagna or scrambled eggs helped me a lot to make the transition, I did not mind being told that “But if you are imitating the animal protein will be better to keep eating them”, and obviously it has nothing to do with it, it is absurd to think that because you Like the flavor of seasoning, you are still attached to a meal prepared with a protein derivated from animals, I have never seen anyone eat a raw animal, so the flavor is given by the spices that we badly use to season an animal.

Today it is true that this whole subject of veganism and vegetarianism is very advanced, and many companies are incorporating animal-free food and 100% plant-based food into their menus, many restaurants are also opening being vegan, so in the future, they will no longer We will be a minority and we will be able to see more plates and dishes free of any animal protein.

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My First Step To Going Vegetarian

I do not know if this tip works for them, in fact it is not the best and maybe other people took better steps to become, but I saw it on television, although it is true that we have already been thinking about these issues, we also have a friend, kinda best friend who has been a vegetarian for many years, and we always talked about it, but it wasn’t until we implemented the Meatless Monday.

Meatless Monday

I do not remember the person who mentioned it to me, but I know that it was a very good idea to implement it, it is simply not to eat anything derivated from animals one day a week, it changed our lives a lot by doing this.

That day you feel so good because you know that you are doing something for yourself and for the animals, also buying meat proteins to feed us seemed absurd to us, and by that time was just one day and not every day but that day you learn a lot, there are people I have seen that last months and others, not two weeks, in reality, this method helps you in a great way, which at the end of the day is the idea, to look for many ways that help lead you to stop eating animals and be a full-time vegetarian, and even thou is just one day when you are starting, that single day helps a lot reducing the footprint created by the animal protein industry.

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