We have excellent videos, information, recipes and recommendations, so that this lifestyle becomes much easier for you.
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To help you have an Easy Peasy Veggie-Friendly Lifestyle
Discover the wonderful world of being Vegetarian
We know that for many people becoming a vegetarian is complicated or sometimes as a vegetarian, we seek additional information to what we already know, that’s why we created this website where you can find vegetarian recipes, vegetarian restaurants, videos to enjoy, supplements, information in how to become vegetarian, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and how to support this way of life and much more.
Apart from being well informed about the protein intake in a vegetarian and vegan person, that by the way is a huge question out there, and how to take a vitamin B12 or how many milligrams we need a day, it is also fun to make vegetarian recipes, help the environment and also help your body, if you try to add special ingredients such as superfoods or vegetable proteins, you end up turning a recipe and add many vitamins to your food.
Many people want to be vegetarian but they do not give the first step because they simply “do not know how to start?” and “when to start?”, and since this is a way of life, you will have to start when you feel comfortable because it should be forever because we do not only do it to achieve healthy wellbeing but as a way of taking care of the animals and the environment because the meat industry does create a huge footprint that is because of their practices. And there is another way of living that goes a bit farther away and cares even in the products we use and is being Vegan that does not use, create, or support anything that comes and is derivated from animals like cleaning products, containers, and even make-up and bathing products.
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Why we became vegetarian?
This is an all time favorite, we always get this question, and we always are really eager to answer it, so why not to let the world know about it, so without further do let's get into it, my husband and I started to have lots of health issues like high cholesterol, gastritis, constant headaches, bloating, plus a lot of extra skin issues, and since we loooove to cook we decided to start giving it a change to our day to day meals but changing the animal protein for plant-based protein, we heard of a trend call "Meatless Monday" so we tried it, and since then, we started to feel better in body, mind and pocket too (have you check out how expensive is meat, poultry, fish), and step by step we began eating like this everyday, and we even are starting to leave aside eggs and dairy, or not eat it as often, do not fell bad if you are doing baby steps, at least you are trying, the important is that every steps counts towards the way to your finish line that it will be to become more self conscious about the animals and the environment.
We also like the idea of sharing this type of life with all the people we know and meet because we think that in the year we are is not really necessary to keep eating animals, because you can get the same benefits, taste and comfort out of plant based food, and you get even more healthy food because you eat wider, like beans, nuts, vegetables, fruits and more, and most important without hurting anyone in the process.
Walkthrough Recipes Videos
See how to prepare in a beautiful and visual step by step process on how to recreate your fav meals but animal-friendly style